Tuesday, April 5, 2016


This month we are talking about harnessing the Power of an Apology. If you missed the video from last session, you can go here to check it out:

In Jesus’ first public sermon recorded in Matthew 5 there is a hidden gem that might be easily missed.

It is nestled between two scandalous statements about murder and lawsuits. You might skim past it if you’re not looking for it.

In Matthew 5: 23-24 Jesus said that if you come to worship to leave an offering and are reminded of a conflict against a friend, go seek reconciliation with urgency. Then return to the altar and offer the gift of worship.

My question for you today is how could you live the truth of that Scripture today in your home?

Here are some thoughts to get you started answering that question:

Forgiveness Matters- Jesus prioritized forgiveness and reconciliation in this passage. It is essential to healthy relationships and families.

Don’t Wait- There is a sense of urgency in this passage. Jesus placed importance on pursuing reconciliation quickly.

Forgiveness Unleashes Worship- After reconciliation takes place there is an invitation to return to worship God in freedom.

Here are some quick questions to end with today:
Is there conflict in your home that you are concerned about right now?
Are you seeking reconciliation with urgency?
Are you prioritizing forgiveness in your relationships?
Would your teenager say that your home is a place of grace?
Let Jesus’ words inspire you today to experience peace in your home and pursue reconciliation in your family.


This month we are going to talk about harnessing the Power of an Apology.

Teenagers learn by watching their parent’s example more than anything else. There is no better way to teach your teenager important life skills than to model them each day.

One of the life skills that marks maturity the most is when your teenager learns to accept responsibility for what they have done.

Please take 3 minutes and 18 seconds and watch this video that gives a clear example of how you can help your teenager learn this important life skill.


Our student ministry has your back in this parenting adventure. If you need someone to talk to, pray with, or someone to just listen please let us know.


Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the last parenting class that talked about the power of a shared experience. In that session I asked you to consider what it would be like if you strategically planned a significant shared experience with your teenager each year?

In this online parenting class I want to walk you through seven experiences that I believe you can share with your teenager throughout the adolescent journey.

I want to tell you ahead of time that our student ministry has material available to help you plan each one of these experiences. Our goal is to help you create significant shared experiences with your teenager.

6th grade – Preparation for Adolescence – In this shared experience you will spend five 15 to 20 minute appointments discussing with your sixth grader the changes that they are going through physically, mentally, and spiritually. These will typically happen before bed each night for a week.

7th grade – Blessing Ceremony – In this shared experience you communicate to your teenager that they are no longer a child by offering them a biblical blessing. It is a chance for them to recognize that they are growing and changing, and their relationship with you will grow and change as well.

8th grade – Purity Weekend – In this shared experience you will get away with your teenager for a weekend to enjoy a fun getaway. During this time you will also share with them the dreams in your heart in the area of purity. It will be a chance for you to teach them that waiting for marriage is not crazy, but it is God’s beautiful plan for them.

9th grade – Driving Contract – This shared experience allows you to spend an evening with your ninth grader discussing with them the way you are going to handle building and rebuilding trust during the years that they’ll be driving a car. Together you’ll sign a driving contract that will serve as a communication tool to help you in these crucial years to come.

10th grade – Money Matters – This shared experience allows you to spend an evening with your teenager having a little bit of fun and teaching a really important life skill. By having your teenager guess what is spent in your household budget monthly you’ll get an idea of what they know about how to manage money. You’ll also get a chance to share with them eight biblical principles on how to manage money God’s way.

11th grade – Family Tree – In this shared experience you will allow your teenager the chance to learn their family heritage. They will never know who they’re going to be unless they take some time to learn where they come from.

12 grade – Manhood/Womanhood Ceremony – In this shared experience you will host a grand finale to the parenting journey. It will be your chance to unleash your new adult into the world by blessing them as a grown adult.

I will end our time today by asking you one quick question. Did you get all seven of these shared experiences in a healthy way from your parents when you were a teenager? What an investment it would be to give these experiences to your teenager.

There is power in a shared experience. A shared experience can be a gift you give your teenager that will set them up for a life that is driven by faith.


I want to begin by thanking you for participating in this online parenting class. This has been a wonderful way for me to get to know the parents in our ministry.

My goal with this online parenting class is to encourage your family to continue to grow in your faith together.

Today we are going to talk about shared experiences you have with your teenager. There is power in a shared experience. You share many experiences with your teenager. Some of them are great and some of them are not so great.
you share vacations together
you share holidays together
you share crisis and tragedy together
you share mission trips together

What would happen if you strategically planned a significant shared experience with your teenager each year designed to help pass down your faith to them?

Here’s a short video that can help you get started in that direction. Enjoy!

THE POWER OF A SHARED EXPERIENCE from FBC Lithia Springs on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I am going to begin by asking you to visit your past.

One way to dynamically change your home is to have the courage to visit your own teenage experience and consider the ways you would REBEL and REPEAT.

Here is a 2 minute and 51 second video that will introduce you to this very practical exercise called REBEL and REPEAT.


Here are two questions that I would love for you to answer: 
  1. As you raise your teenager, what is one thing that you want to rebel against from your own teenage experience? 
  2. As you raise your teenager, what is one thing that you want to repeat from your own teenage experience? 

If you would like to share your answers with me, I would love to hear them. Just email me with your answers. 

Thanks for taking some time today to spend with me. 

I love serving your family.